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For Physicians
Thank you for considering Core Connections Physical Therapy and Pilates for your patient's referral. We look forward to helping your clients achieve a successful physical therapy experience. Our mission is to help your client back to optimal function and living a pain-free life. Below are some frequently asked questions from Physicians. To refer a patient please fill out our Physician Referral Form.
Does Core Connections Physical Therapy take insurance?We do not process insurance claims directly. We do however give the patient two insurance payment options: Option One -If patients want to submit with an outside billing company, we refer to a company who will process their claims for a 10% fee. Option Two - We will email an invoice to the patient with everything they will need to submit the claim to their insurance company directly.
How long have you been in Physical Therapy?25 years, please see our team’s bios on our About Us page
How do I refer a patient to you?Please fill out the Physicians Referral Form here and send with the patient.
How do they contact you?Please have them contact us here.
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