What Can Core Connections
Physical Therapy and Pilates do for you?
Programs provide 50 minutes+ for one on one physical therapy and coaching for individualized instruction.​​
Provide a personalized custom program to meet your individual movement goals and exercise comfort level.
Combine Physical Therapy with Pilates exercises and many other pieces of equipment to address your specific health needs.
Teach you intelligent and pain-free movement and strive for optimal balance of strength, improving flexibility and joint mobility.
Reeducate your body for movement patterns that are sustainable.
Provide visualization to understand your ideal movement lifestyle, correct dysfunctional movement patterns with Pilates exercises and teach you change movement strategies for more efficient and powerful outcomes.
Achieve joint and soft tissue release using manual therapy techniques including visceral and craniosacral.
Consistently retest movement patterns to measure effectiveness of Therapies, level of discomfort and movement retraining.
Integrate breath with movement allowing access to the deeper layer of muscles in our bodies that serve to stabilize and protect joint complexes and the spine.